I MEAN IT WTH TOM what happend for the ppl by the ppl with the ppl
(^_^) :-( )-: l L
Age 33, Female
eating pie
pie---ing you in the dark
Joined on 1/27/11
Posted by Omogis - June 27th, 2016
I MEAN IT WTH TOM what happend for the ppl by the ppl with the ppl
Posted by Omogis - November 13th, 2011
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIDYvg7 3RuM
it'z just wow i dont like to talk about how you should live die or whatever but this is just well made for something as small as it is O_O
Posted by Omogis - September 16th, 2011
NeEd To CrY NoW FrOm WaTcHiNg D.W. they had on a Vamp Via Zombie AND VAMP WON NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!...
I dont understand how the hell do they get the X7 the power of man for a vamp when did that come in hmmmmmm?
now zombie'z i find it hard for 187 via 3 vamp kill 2 out of 3 and not kill them all? I MEAN THAT DUDE WAS FIGHTING FROM THE BEGINING and all his bud'z died WTF!!! and if they do have X ten THEN THEY WOULD HAVE TO BE VERY BUFF!!
unless you still keep the whole "They Are Unholy Beast'z That Feed At Night!!" thing.
zombie'z should have won -_-" also have you ever seen a zombie flick end with just 187 zombie'z no you see about 20,000 or so. (day one!!!)
now day two you have about 20,000,000 And then the show is like DEAR GOD WHAT THE HELL I DONT WONA DIE LIKE MY FOOD DID!!!
but that'z just me (-_-")